Blakley Family Farms
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The six great-great-great grandchildren pictured in the family photo are the 6th generation of the Blakley family to farm and ranch in Oklahoma. Great-great-great grandpa Blakley staked a claim in the Oklahoma Land Run in 1889 when the Cherokee Strip was opened. Some of the descendents still farm and ranch, as well as live on the home place. This property is in Garfield County, south of Waukomis, on Skeleton Creek. Other great grandparents came from Missouri, Arkansas and West Virginia to settle and farm and ranch in eastern Oklahoma. Blakley Family Farm Meats are some of the finished products from our farm. We believe it to be the very best; our livestock are bred, born and raised on our farm and ranch near Oologah, Oklahoma. We raise and sell purebred Maine-Anjou cattle, known for their tenderness and five star rating for flavor and Shorthorn cattle for their excellent mothering and milking ability. The beef you buy from Blakley Family Farms is a product of this breeding program. It is grass and grain fed. We also offer pork and lamb, raised in the same healthy, caring manner.It is easy to see why the owners and operators of Blakley Family Farms strive every day to care for the animals be good stewards of the land and produce the very best products not only for our family, but for you and your family to enjoy. Try some of our meats and you will become a lifetime customer, as well as becoming a good friend of one of the true pioneer Oklahoma farm families whose livelihood is still derived from production agriculture.